Fiction by

Brent Knowles

novel & story collections

A Ragman's Vow

Dan, the creator of a comic series featuring a dark superhero, has never recovered from the death of his young son and the loss of his wife, she blaming him for their son's death. But when Dan sees her in the company of a known drug dealer, real life and fantasy merge as he tries to rescue her.

Touch the Dead

While driving his motorcycle, Brian is ran off the road during a ghostly encounter and becomes haunted by hostile spirits.

A Terrible Loyalty

A man is placed in an awkward situation when a friend from his past implicates him in an outrageous crime.

Nikki 2.3

A sexbot simulation learns to control an electronic masturbator, and uses this to explore the real world

Some We Eat and Some We Keep

cover for issues of Robot and Raygun in which this story first appeared
A detective attempts to solve a series of odd murders with the help of his robotic sidekick. (Story - originally appeared in Robot and Raygun)

Cobbler and Minion

A young man, living on a strange world where robots fall from the sky and serve those that bind them, finds his harsh life all the more unbearable when his robot abandons him. (Story - Originally appeared in Ruined Cities)

Sin and Toil

cover for On Spec #96
A man has been banished to another planet to make amends for the horrors he unleashed on Earth. His penance is to build a new world. But will he do it?
I am unworried now that others might claim my prize. We do not fight over our spoils. Not our way, anymore.

Digital Rights

cover for the Writers of the Future #26
Izzy’s new job aboard a solar station orbiting Earth becomes more complicated when she begins receiving cryptic messages from a ghost. This story was a winner in the “L Ron Hubbard presents the Writers of the Future” contest, and first appeared in Writers of the Future Volume XXVI. (Story)

Summer Lover

Cover for Shroud #12
A young wife spends a frightful summer at her husband's family beach-house. (Story - originally appeared in Shroud Magazine)

Stone Eater

A builder sacrifices his life and family, to construct the ultimate tower but then finds himself forced to do the unthinkable. (Story - originally appeared in Abyss and Apex)
Ongar stopped eating the pebbles on the eleventh night of his impalement. The badger that had collected them growled at him, frustrated and concerned, but Ongar was determined now to end his life.

Foolish Wishes, Fairy Kisses

A man returns to the isolated island where he spent his childhood and searches for a vanished friend. (Story - originally appeared in NewMyths)
Josh hurried up the stairs but she backed away, into the house. What had he expected? To be greeted with hugs and kisses? Not after what he had done.

The Kol Effect

cover for Neo-Opsis
A specialist in time travel attempts to help a wealthy tycoon unravel a tricky domestic situation with unexpected results. (Story - originally appeared in Neo-Opsis #19)
Skipster has proven moderately interesting but so far the results are disappointing, especially considering the amount of money I spent to acquire this early prototype. I suspect my resources might have been better directed towards procuring…

Slaying Dragons

cover for Plasma Frequency #6
A mother must make difficult decisions to keep her son alive. (Story - originally appeared in Plasma Frequency Magazine)
“Will the servants ever learn?” Taloma muttered as she swirled away from the polished metal mirror where she had been preparing herself for night. The double doors were to be used only during the day! Guests who came late always entered via the…

Great White

Cover for OOMPH anthology
A young man finds himself in the possession of a powerful item belonging to another superhero. (Story - originally appeared in Oomph Anthology)

The Onion Farmer

cover for Aoifes Kiss 42
The onion farmer must right the failures of his past in order to secure a future, not just for himself, but for the kingdom he once served.
The onion farmer watched the princess from his hiding place within a thick copse of trees. Bending low she used her hands to turn the soil and then placed the baby into the shallow depression she had made

Her Robot Babies

In the aftermath of a civil war between robots and their makers, a robot family makes their way across country, looking for a place to call their own.
AT NIGHT WE STUFF OUR BABIES inside microwave ovens.


John's List

cover for War of the Worlds: Frontlines
John Seven, a clone, is scouring deep space to rescue his creator’s lover from a race of brutal aliens. It falls to him and his crew of fellow clones to finish what their originals started. In the final battle between human and alien John will be forced to choose between following his duty or following his heart. (Story - originally appeared in War of the Worlds: Front Lines)
The gas flowing into John Seven’s lungs brought with it several lifetimes of yesterdays and the warm intensity of those memories dragged him deeply into the distant past.

Proof in the Pudding

cover for Flush Fiction
A man sets about proving, via a tangible experiment, his thoughts on the nature of consciousness. (Story - appeared in Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Presents Flush Fiction)
The lower body had been the easiest to remove though convincing surgeons to do it had taken years, the support of a tech company with deep pockets and a law team to challenge his wife

Almost...human in intelligence.

A bit chilling, to imagine we could not only bring life to computer programs, but also TORTURE them. Quite a new twist on the singularity. Might make you consider A.I. rights, even as we merely approach that future.

Digital Rights | Dionne

Brent Knowles is a regular in ‘On Spec’...

Levi is experimenting to find out if faith is enough to build a well-rounded personality or if the certainty of an afterlife would be better. The story alternates Levi’s point of view with Carol’s and is an interesting meditation on a philosophical and religious issue.

A Primer on the Ins and Outs of Building Bliss | Eamonn Murphy

[W]e ... root for

It's a really neat idea, and the character that Knowles explores it through is someone that we can relate to and root for as he grapples with his failures, both to his family and his species

Sin and Toil | Brandon Crilly

Science Fiction at its finest

This is Science Fiction at its finest: the way it was meant to be. Brent Knowles appears to have a natural gift for storytelling....

The Pool: Arrival | Amazon Reviewer

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