Fiction by

Brent Knowles

novel & story collections

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cover for the Writers of the Future #26
Izzy’s new job aboard a solar station orbiting Earth becomes more complicated when she begins receiving cryptic messages from a ghost. This story was a winner in the “L Ron Hubbard presents the Writers of the Future” contest, and first appeared in Writers of the Future Volume XXVI. (Story)

thoroughly enjoyed it

There are books that make a reader think, "I could have written that." Then, there are books like these that make a reader sigh and say, "I wish I'd written that."

Digital Rights | Amazon Reviewer

Almost...human in intelligence.

A bit chilling, to imagine we could not only bring life to computer programs, but also TORTURE them. Quite a new twist on the singularity. Might make you consider A.I. rights, even as we merely approach that future.

Digital Rights | Dionne

explores the high-tech world

Knowles writes with a fresh outlook on sci-fi and has created a strange new world that sounds daunting even if it is far away.

Digital Rights | Sandra Scholes

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