Fiction by

Brent Knowles

novel & story collections

How to Start a Career in Game Design

cover for book 1 in the lazy designer series
Practical advice on starting a career in the video game industry and improving your design skills. This is your opportunity to learn from the lead designer of such commercial and critically successful video games as Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age: Origins.

A great no-fluff introduction

If you've considered a career in game design but aren't sure how the industry works, how game companies are structured and what a designer will be expected to know before they are employable, then this is a quick low-cost intro.

Start a Career in Game Design | Amazon Reviewer

The Experience of a True Insider

Unlike other books I've read on the subject, Brent is a true insider with valuable experience. The book delivers no less than exactly what it promises.

Start a Career in Game Design | Amazon Reviewer

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